
About me

I am a Computer Scientist (with an M.Sc. degree) currently living in southwestern Germany and working a day-to-day programming job at a research institute. I love being challenged by my work, and enjoy solving problems not only in the workplace. I love to tinker and experiment. Usually I lean towards the analysis side instead of the synthesis of things. My interests are diverse, ranging from computers and technology (obviously, and including the history thereof), languages – natural as well as programming – over physics and maths, digital art to music recording and mixing, up to (mostly web)comics and movies.

About this website

This is my personal website, where I publish stuff that I find interesting, that I did, or am just curious about. I try to keep very-personal posts on the down low, so this is probably not the right place if you’ve come to look for vacation pictures. But that’s not to say such a thing will never happen.

You may have noticed that comments are disbled throughout the site, despite the backend system (WordPress, for the curious) supporting it. That’s not to discourage you from interacting with me. I’m always happy when I get an eMail from a site visitor. Feel free to submit your comments, questions and suggestions to the address below. Hold the SPAM though.

Why not German – Warum nicht Deutsch?

Vielleicht fragen Sie als Besucher meiner Seite sich, weshalb ich hier auf Englisch, und nicht auf Deutsch schreibe. Die Antwort ist relativ einfach: Auf dieser Seite möchte ich zu einem großen Teil inhalte technischer Natur präsentieren, allein schon weil ein Großteil meiner Interessensgebiete technisch geprägt sind. Um die Artikel die ich schreibe einem möglichst breiten Publikum zugute kommen lassen zu können, zwingt sich die Sprache der Wahl des Internets, nämlich Englisch, geradezu auf. Hinzu kommt, dass ich mittlerweile einige Freundschaften und Bekanntschaften im nicht-deutschsprachigen Ausland geschlossen habe, und die Inhalte persönlicherer Natur dieser Webseite auch denen nicht vorenthalten möchte.

And for all the English-speaking people wondering why: It’s because your language has become so ubiquitous on the Internet that I can hardly avoid using it, if I want to make whatever content I post here useful to the widest audience possible. That, and I have quite a few friends and acquaintances who don’t speak German (or at least not very well, that is).


Content on this website was produced by me, unless stated otherwise. Reproduction in any form requires written permission from myself (and any co-authors, if applicable). Merely linking to a page, for example via the permalink at the bottom of each post, does not count as reproduction, and is in fact encouraged.

Views expressed on external pages (i.e. outside of the “wolfgangherget.de” domain) linked from here do not represent my own position on any issue presented there. I can, sometimes unfortunately, not control what other people write on the internet, and they may happen to change the content of whatever of their pages I link to at some point in time. You have been warned.

Data Protection Declaration – Datenschutzerklärung

Please follow this link for my Data Protection Declaration.

Verantwortlich nach §5(1) TMG, §6 MdStV, §55 RStV, V.i.s.d.P.

Having this part of the page is required by German law. I continue to be amazed how many different laws require a contact listed. There may be others I don’t (yet) know of.

Wolfgang Herget
Ackerstraße 5
66125 Saarbrücken-Dudweiler
mail (at) (this domain)


If you want to contact me via encrypted eMail, you can use PGP or GPG, and use the following key, which should be signed by CACert ensuring that it is in fact my personal key.
You can download my key off public key servers. The key’s expected fingerprint is:

Hash: SHA512

Key ID: 5BFB3668013464A7
Fingerprint: F569 EAD4 81C2 87D5 E325 69B6 5BFB 3668 0134 64A7
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org


What manner of verification can you draw from this? Here goes:

  • The person in possession of the key linked above can post or edit messages on this site.
  • The person that has access to the key that signed this message can request a CACert signature for the identities presented in the key above.
  • CACert has verified that the mail addresses they signed in the key (at some point) were controlled by someone who had access to all these accounts.
  • Several other people (from the CACert web of trust) have met Wolfgang Herget face-to-face and believe that he is the owner of the account that had this key signed.

From here on out you need to trust in several additional things:

  • nobody has stolen my credentials for CACert
  • nobody has stolen the credentials for all of the eMail addresses in the key

Then, you may believe that the message above is from the Wolfgang Herget that claims to write here.


Last changed: April 16, 2014